Hey all, gonna use this platform to ramble for a second.
There’s a *lot* of music that I like, all from different genres, artists, and parts of the world, and right now I, like many of you, am chained to a subscription model service to keep up with my absolute devouring of music. This is a problem for a few reasons, one: I don’t like giving money to corporations, and I’m doing a lot of that just to keep up. Two: I don’t trust that these services will last. Three: I’m not able to support smaller artists who can’t or won’t put their music on these services. So I’m making an effort to expand my own personal library of music in various mediums, like buying records, CDs, tapes, and trying to get digital downloads with all of them as well so I can listen anytime. I used to be this person, the one who had a huge collection of music and any kind of music player. Hell, I was burning MP3-CDs from my dad’s huge collection of music, MP3-CDs a format that barely anyone knew of, but I was loading CDs up with a hundred or so songs at a time and listening at deafening volumes in the library after school.
Anyway, all that is to say, support artists directly. That’s my plan moving forward. I’m probably going to keep my subscription service for a few more months as I try to at least catalog my library (I have a *lot* of playlists).
If you’d like to see the music I listen to, I’ll leave the playlists up and public even after I stop paying, you can find them here:
Bee’s Public Playlists
And don’t forget, you can listen to my music right here on my website, and download it for any price (even free!) right from Bandcamp: