waiting for you
in the morning dew
my socks are wet
seeped in i guess
i brought the bell
for a little show and tell
when was the last time
you thought to give a dime
you see this bell is special
it rings
it rings
and it rings
and you can’t get out of your mind
have you been generous or kind
i give when i can
and i’m kind all of the time
most of the of time
this bell is my little curse
and so i keep it in my purse
of course
and i have no remorse
about ringing it
and singing its
get raises
with this
little bell
it has no name
and it has no form yet
it comes from a game
from which i’ve torn it
now sit
and listen
can you hear it
it’s already working
i can feel it myself
so go out and give
go out and be kind
there’s someone who needs it
just down the line
trash towers
we will not be found
in the circles of hell
where the creatures dwell
trash stacked higher and higher
the creatures leer from atop their refuse tower
a mountain of bodies grows below
those who extol the trash creatures
climb atop each other
to become one themselves
nearly insurmountable mountains of meat
that will never reach the peak
of scrap spires spiraling into space
not indestructible
a few choice hits
they would come crumbling down
everyone knows this
even those above
feigning godhood
and still the mountains pile up
reinforcing the refuse
reinforcing rubbish rhetoric about reaching the high-rise
we will not be found
in the mountains
in the towers
we are here
on the ground
we are those who refuse to climb
who refuse to throw each other away
we stand against ageless empires
these monoliths of miscellany
must be unmade
and allowed to decay
and we will come together
in the end
and start it all again
no pesky preconceptions about purpose
just people
pretending to play at life
Gather at the Angle
waiting for you
in the morning dew
my socks are wet
seeped in i guess
i brought the bell
for a little show and tell
when was the last time
you thought to give a dime
you see this bell is special
it rings
it rings
and it rings
and you can’t get out of your mind
have you been generous or kind
i give when i can
and i’m kind all of the time
most of the of time
this bell is my little curse
and so i keep it in my purse
of course
and i have no remorse
about ringing it
and singing its
get raises
with this
little bell
it has no name
and it has no form yet
it comes from a game
from which i’ve torn it
now sit
and listen
can you hear it
it’s already working
i can feel it myself
so go out and give
go out and be kind
there’s someone who needs it
just down the line
Displaying deadpan demeanors
Meaningless masks removed
Beyond this barefaced beauty lies a bright mind
A clear coldness coming from my countenance
Are you angry
I promise I’m not
Not angry
Nor Upset
Or Empty
Feelings fall further away
Metaphysical mutations murdering my mind
No notion safe from fading
I am unmasked
I feel naught
the bell
waiting for you
in the morning dew
my socks are wet
seeped in i guess
i brought the bell
for a little show and tell
when was the last time
you thought to give a dime
you see this bell is special
it rings
it rings
and it rings
and you can’t get out of your mind
have you been generous or kind
i give when i can
and i’m kind all of the time
most of the of time
this bell is my little curse
and so i keep it in my purse
of course
and i have no remorse
about ringing it
and singing its
get raises
with this
little bell
it has no name
and it has no form yet
it comes from a game
from which i’ve torn it
now sit
and listen
can you hear it
it’s already working
i can feel it myself
so go out and give
go out and be kind
there’s someone who needs it
just down the line
Song IV
waiting for you
in the morning dew
my socks are wet
seeped in i guess
i brought the bell
for a little show and tell
when was the last time
you thought to give a dime
you see this bell is special
it rings
it rings
and it rings
and you can’t get out of your mind
have you been generous or kind
i give when i can
and i’m kind all of the time
most of the of time
this bell is my little curse
and so i keep it in my purse
of course
and i have no remorse
about ringing it
and singing its
get raises
with this
little bell
it has no name
and it has no form yet
it comes from a game
from which i’ve torn it
now sit
and listen
can you hear it
it’s already working
i can feel it myself
so go out and give
go out and be kind
there’s someone who needs it
just down the line
Something Inside
waiting for you
in the morning dew
my socks are wet
seeped in i guess
i brought the bell
for a little show and tell
when was the last time
you thought to give a dime
you see this bell is special
it rings
it rings
and it rings
and you can’t get out of your mind
have you been generous or kind
i give when i can
and i’m kind all of the time
most of the of time
this bell is my little curse
and so i keep it in my purse
of course
and i have no remorse
about ringing it
and singing its
get raises
with this
little bell
it has no name
and it has no form yet
it comes from a game
from which i’ve torn it
now sit
and listen
can you hear it
it’s already working
i can feel it myself
so go out and give
go out and be kind
there’s someone who needs it
just down the line
Inside and Out
waiting for you
in the morning dew
my socks are wet
seeped in i guess
i brought the bell
for a little show and tell
when was the last time
you thought to give a dime
you see this bell is special
it rings
it rings
and it rings
and you can’t get out of your mind
have you been generous or kind
i give when i can
and i’m kind all of the time
most of the of time
this bell is my little curse
and so i keep it in my purse
of course
and i have no remorse
about ringing it
and singing its
get raises
with this
little bell
it has no name
and it has no form yet
it comes from a game
from which i’ve torn it
now sit
and listen
can you hear it
it’s already working
i can feel it myself
so go out and give
go out and be kind
there’s someone who needs it
just down the line
waiting for you
in the morning dew
my socks are wet
seeped in i guess
i brought the bell
for a little show and tell
when was the last time
you thought to give a dime
you see this bell is special
it rings
it rings
and it rings
and you can’t get out of your mind
have you been generous or kind
i give when i can
and i’m kind all of the time
most of the of time
this bell is my little curse
and so i keep it in my purse
of course
and i have no remorse
about ringing it
and singing its
get raises
with this
little bell
it has no name
and it has no form yet
it comes from a game
from which i’ve torn it
now sit
and listen
can you hear it
it’s already working
i can feel it myself
so go out and give
go out and be kind
there’s someone who needs it
just down the line
waiting for you
in the morning dew
my socks are wet
seeped in i guess
i brought the bell
for a little show and tell
when was the last time
you thought to give a dime
you see this bell is special
it rings
it rings
and it rings
and you can’t get out of your mind
have you been generous or kind
i give when i can
and i’m kind all of the time
most of the of time
this bell is my little curse
and so i keep it in my purse
of course
and i have no remorse
about ringing it
and singing its
get raises
with this
little bell
it has no name
and it has no form yet
it comes from a game
from which i’ve torn it
now sit
and listen
can you hear it
it’s already working
i can feel it myself
so go out and give
go out and be kind
there’s someone who needs it
just down the line
Stream (of consciousness)
waiting for you
in the morning dew
my socks are wet
seeped in i guess
i brought the bell
for a little show and tell
when was the last time
you thought to give a dime
you see this bell is special
it rings
it rings
and it rings
and you can’t get out of your mind
have you been generous or kind
i give when i can
and i’m kind all of the time
most of the of time
this bell is my little curse
and so i keep it in my purse
of course
and i have no remorse
about ringing it
and singing its
get raises
with this
little bell
it has no name
and it has no form yet
it comes from a game
from which i’ve torn it
now sit
and listen
can you hear it
it’s already working
i can feel it myself
so go out and give
go out and be kind
there’s someone who needs it
just down the line